Event by Nokesville Volunteer Fire & Rescue Department, Finlay Fire and 4:12 Kids
Nokesville Volunteer Fire And Rescue - Station 5
Duration: 2 hr
Public · Anyone on or off Facebook
We are headed to Nokesville! Pack the kids in the car and head to the Nokesville Fire Station #5 where we will be giving out FREE backpacks filled with school supplies. This will be a drive-thru style event; no need to get out of the vehicle. Children must be present to receive supplies. Only 1 backpack per child. This is first-come first serve. We will be there until 11 am or we run out - whichever happens first! If you are interested in donating, sponsoring or volunteering for this event, please contact Lauren: Finlayfire@gmail.com or Charity: Charity@412kids.org