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Coat Drive

пет 21. окт


Chris Yung Elementary School

Coat Drive
Coat Drive

Time & Location

21. окт 2022. 10:00 – 06. дец 2022. 10:00

Chris Yung Elementary School, 12612 Fog Light Wy, Bristow, VA 20136, USA

About the event

We are having a coat drive this year and will be collecting new and lightly used coats for our students. We will be collecting the coats beginning the week of October 24th and you can send coats in with your student or bring them into our front office for drop off. We appreciate the your support to help children in need at our school.

We would also like to collect the below if you are able to donate.

-New boys/girls underwear- all sizes

-New or gently used shoes or boots of all sizes

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Цхрис Иунг Елементари ПТО

© 2023 од Цхрис Иунг Елементари ПТО


Цхрис Иунг Елементари ПТО није програм или одељење јавних школа округа Принц Вилијам, већ независна организација која је добила одобрење ПВЦС-а да подржи своје школе, ученике, тимове, програме и ваннаставне активности. Сва средства прикупљена од стране Цхрис Иунг Елементари ПТО морају се користити у одобрене школске сврхе.

For inquiries unrelated to the PTO please call the school directly between 9:00am-3:30pm

Address & Phone Number

12612 Fog Light Way  Bristow, VA 20136

      Phone 571-598-3500

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