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CAMP STEAM (2nd Annual STEAM Day)

pet., 10. jun.



CAMP STEAM (2nd Annual STEAM Day)
CAMP STEAM (2nd Annual STEAM Day)

Ura in lokacija

10. jun. 2022, 00:00

Bristow, 12612 Fog Light Wy, Bristow, VA 20136, USA

O dogodku

We are looking forward to our second annual CAMP STEAM on June 10th! Here is a sneak peek of what we will be doing throughout the day!

S-OLVE the Code - Students in K-2 will code a camping adventure with Robot Mice, and our 3-5 students will use Ozobots!

T-ECH Maker Space - Students will build and create music, art and structures, solve puzzles and think outside of the box in our digital maker space!

E-XPAND Your Creativity- Students will create with legos, do a drawing challenge and finish a comic to really work on our creative thinking!

A-UGMENTED Reality (AR)- Students will explore the Life Cycle of a Monarch Butterfly with AR using a free app called QuiverVision!

M-AKE a Tent- Students will use the engineering design process to ask, imagine, plan, create and improve a TENT!

More info in link below

Deli ta dogodek


Chris Yung Osnovni PTO

© 2023 Chris Yung Elementary PTO

Chris Yung Elementary PTO ni program ali oddelek javnih šol okrožja Prince William, temveč neodvisna organizacija, ki je pridobila odobritev PWCS za podporo svojim šolam, študentom, timom, programom in obšolskim dejavnostim. Vsa sredstva, ki jih zbere PTO Chris Yung Elementary, je treba uporabiti za odobrene šolske namene.

For inquiries unrelated to the PTO please call the school directly between 9:00am-3:30pm

Address & Phone Number

12612 Fog Light Way  Bristow, VA 20136

      Phone 571-598-3500

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