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Teacher Meet & Greet

joi, 18 aug.



Come by to meet your child's teacher!

Teacher Meet & Greet
Teacher Meet & Greet

Ora și locul

18 aug. 2022, 13:00 – 16:00

Bristow, 12612 Fog Light Wy, Bristow, VA 20136, USA

Despre eveniment

This year the times to come by meet teachers will be based of alphabetical order of your child's last name, except for the upcoming kindergarners with their own time slot.

Kindergarten 1:00PM-2:00PM

Student Last Name (A-L)  2:00PM-3:00PM

Student Last Name (M-Z)  3:00PM-4:00PM

Kona Ice will be available for purchase!

20% of sale proceeds will go back to the school!

Distribuie evenimentul


Chris Yung elementar PTO

© 2023 de către Chris Yung Elementary PTO

Chris Yung Elementary PTO nu este un program sau un departament al școlilor publice din județul Prince William, ci o organizație independentă care a obținut aprobarea PWCS pentru a-și susține școlile, elevii, echipele, programele și activitățile extracurriculare. Toate fondurile strânse de Chris Yung Elementary PTO trebuie utilizate în scopuri școlare aprobate.

For inquiries unrelated to the PTO please call the school directly between 9:00am-3:30pm

Address & Phone Number

12612 Fog Light Way  Bristow, VA 20136

      Phone 571-598-3500

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